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Minimizing Instances of Lewd Acts (MILA)
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

Unfortunately, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) experience sexual violence seven times more than their peers without disabilities. As researchers, we spent extensive time studying these alarming statistics to understand how we might better serve persons with I/DD in our local community or how we might partner with other organizations already doing the work.
Our work in this area included developing and piloting an innovative project with funding from the Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities. Minimizing Instances of Lewd Acts (MILA) was introduced as a 6-week training program and public awareness campaign available from 2020-2022.
Today, MILA still exists as a public awareness campaign where we strive to also inform the greater public of the staggering rates of sexual violence against people with I/DD. Solutions to this grave social issue will need awareness, community investments, and continued research. See below for our public awareness campaigns and informational materials:
Have you heard the alarming rates? (Spanish)
Have you heard the alarming rates? (English)
Help Self-Advocates FIGHT BACK
Partnerships to protect self-advocates booklet
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